Our subdivision will have an ad in the special Community Wide Garage Sale section of the newspaper. Please consider participating--the more sales we have, the better. Each resident will be responsible for the sale signs at their property and can set their own hours. If there is still construction on Rt. 47, it may be difficult for us to put signs along the road, but residents can put signs in the subdivision to direct shoppers to their sale.
The ad will be placed on September 21. Hours listed in the newspaper will be:
Thursday, 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday & Saturday 7:00 a.m. - ?
Items for sale include: New Samsung sound bar; used Yahama sound system & speakers; handmade candles, quilts, pillows and afghans (all new); used 14’ Sunfish sailboat; new wedding dress sz. 4, veil & tiara; Longaberger.
Children’s clothes and toys go well as do tools.
To date we have heard from a few residents who plan to participate. Please email us at
briarcliffhomeowners@gmail.com if you have items of special interest to list on the website and/or in the newspaper. Newspaper space is limited and is on a first come, first served basis.
Deadline for newspaper requests is September 20.